Hello, Gravito!

This is a template for a simple marketing or informational website. It includes a large callout called a jumbotron and three supporting pieces of content. Use it as a starting point to create something more unique.

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Base script

var grv_script = document.createElement("script"); grv_script.src = "https://cdn.gravito.net/client-js/gravito_client.js"; document.head.appendChild(grv_script); </script>

Base script enables basic Gravito functionality, requesting consents and identity from Gravito API and injecting data to localStorage.

SSO example


Simple Sign-On, Gravito can provide you identity of the landing visitor if they've been in any other domain that runs with Gravito. If that is not the case, visitors can log in the simple way, just by providing email address and Gravito sends an email containing magic link to log in.


Pass different identifiers to Gravito keyring to manage the network of distributed data about the customer.

Key name:

Key value:

Save key »